Psychology Software Tools

E-Prime solutions


A powerful new USB-based response and stimulus device.

Collect responses, present sound, and communicate with external devices – all with millisecond accuracy.

Response Collection.

Custom-designed silicone rubber keys feature an over-sized activation area to ensure accurate presses and releases. Record simultaneous button presses with full n-key rollover and customize debounce intervals to ensure data collection never suffers from missed responses.

Voice Recording.

Collect voice-activated responses with configurable threshold settings. Data file includes reaction time and audio file for each trial.

External Device Communication.

Chronos provides up to 16 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs, eliminating the need for a parallel port. This allows up to 65,536 unique markers. Combined with Task Events in E-Prime, Chronos provides a script-free way to develop multimodal research studies and synchronize  data across platforms. 

Accurate audio timing.

Consistent audio timing is not found in consumer sound cards. This introduces variability between machines, and delays sound delivery time. Chronos features an onboard sound card which eliminates these issues and delivers millisecond accuracy

Stimulus presentation.

Chronos is outfitted with 5 fully programmable RGB LED’s, each capable of 4000+ colors. Use LED’s for response mapping verification, stimuli, or as feedback based on accuracy. Each LED can be assigned a unique color and modified directly from E-Prime.

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